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Index / News / working security from home
working security from home

working security from home

Best Practices for Workplace Safety

In the current work environment, more and more people are choosing to work from home. However, remote work also brings new security challenges. Here are some best practices for work safety for employees and employers.

Maintain close contact with employers.

Staying up-to-date on company policy changes is essential for ensuring the safety of both individuals and the company. If you have any questions about any new policies, you should ask them proactively. This can help keep you, your colleagues, and the entire business safe.

Use powerful authentication tools.

To ensure the security of your device, you should use strong authentication tools to access it, such as Windows Hello. This can be a PIN code, fingerprint, or facial recognition, depending on whether your device supports these features.

Invest in comprehensive antivirus software.

Investing in a comprehensive antivirus software suite for your home office is very important. This software should be able to protect you and your employees from cybercrime. It is estimated that the global business losses caused by cybercrime amount to about $15 billion annually.

Understanding Common Remote Work Security Risks

Familiarizing yourself with the potential security risks associated with remote work can help you better protect against potential threats. These risks include data breaches and phishing attacks, among others.

Follow best practices

Following best practices is key to protecting your home office. For example, ensure you're using a virtual private network (VPN), change your passwords regularly, and don't download files from unknown sources.

That's a summary of the best practices for working from home safely, and I hope it helps you.