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Index / News / work from home no social security
work from home no social security

work from home no social security

Work from Home: No Social Security

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many changes to our daily lives, including a shift to remote work for many people. While some employees are enjoying the flexibility and convenience of working from home, others are facing new challenges, including the lack of social security benefits.

What is Social Security?

Social Security is a government program that provides financial assistance to retirees, disabled individuals, and the surviving spouses and children of deceased workers. It also provides benefits to some dependents of workers who become disabled or die.

Typically, employees and their employers each contribute a percentage of their income to Social Security throughout their working lives. The contributions are used to fund the program, and workers become eligible for benefits after earning a certain number of credits.

Why don't remote workers qualify for Social Security benefits?

Remote workers who are classified as independent contractors or self-employed are not eligible for Social Security benefits. This is because they are responsible for paying their own Social Security and Medicare taxes, instead of having their employer deduct them from their paycheck. As a result, they are not eligible for benefits under the program.

Even if remote workers are classified as employees, they may still face challenges in qualifying for Social Security benefits. Some employers may try to avoid paying Social Security taxes for remote employees by classifying them as independent contractors or by setting up a business entity in a state with lower taxes. This can result in employees missing out on valuable benefits.

What are the consequences of not having Social Security benefits?

Remote workers who do not have Social Security benefits may face financial hardship in retirement or in the event of disability or death. Without the financial assistance provided by Social Security, they may struggle to make ends meet and may be forced to rely on government assistance or family members for support.

Additionally, remote workers who do not have Social Security benefits may have difficulty getting approved for loans or credit, as the lack of a steady income stream can be a red flag for lenders.

What can remote workers do to obtain Social Security benefits?

Remote workers who are classified as independent contractors or self-employed can obtain Social Security benefits by paying the self-employment tax. This tax is equivalent to the Social Security and Medicare taxes that would be deducted from an employee's paycheck.

Remote workers who are classified as employees can ensure that their employers are paying the appropriate Social Security and Medicare taxes. They can also track their earnings and credits through their Social Security account and ensure that they have earned the required number of credits to qualify for benefits.


Remote work is becoming increasingly popular, but it is important for employees to understand their eligibility for Social Security benefits. By taking the appropriate steps and paying the necessary taxes, remote workers can ensure that they are protected in the event of disability, death, or retirement.