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social security work from home

social security work from home

Social Security Work From Home: How to Apply and What to Expect

Working from home has become increasingly popular over the past decade, allowing individuals to work remotely from any location with an internet connection. However, for those who receive Social Security benefits, the idea of working from home may seem impossible. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration (SSA) offers several work from home opportunities for individuals who receive Social Security benefits. In this article, we’ll discuss how to apply for Social Security work from home options and what to expect during the application process.

How to Apply for Social Security Work from Home

To apply for Social Security work from home options, you must first determine your eligibility. The SSA offers several work from home options, including:


Work-at-Home-Program (WAH)




Part-Time Work

The Work-at-Home-Program (WAH) is designed for individuals who are unable to work outside of their home due to a disability. This program allows individuals to work from home and maintain their Social Security benefits. To be eligible for the WAH program, individuals must meet the following requirements:


Be receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits


Have a physical or mental disability that prevents them from working outside of the home


Be able to perform work from home with accommodations

If you meet the requirements for the WAH program, you can apply by contacting your local Social Security office and requesting an application. You will need to fill out the application and provide documentation of your disability and your ability to work from home. This may include medical records and a description of your work history and skills.

Telework and part-time work are also available for individuals who receive Social Security benefits. To apply for these programs, you will need to contact your employer or the SSA and inquire about available positions. Depending on the position, you may need to provide documentation of your disability and your ability to work from home.

What to Expect During the Application Process

Once you have applied for Social Security work from home options, you can expect a waiting period before a decision is made. The length of the waiting period will vary depending on the program and your individual circumstances.

If you are applying for the Work-at-Home-Program (WAH), you can expect a longer waiting period as the SSA reviews your medical records and determines your ability to work from home. You may also be required to undergo a medical exam or provide additional documentation.

If you are applying for telework or part-time work, the waiting period may be shorter as these programs are typically offered by employers or the SSA.

Once a decision is made, you will be notified by mail. If you are approved for Social Security work from home options, you will receive instructions on how to proceed and what to expect. For example, if you are approved for the WAH program, you will be required to attend training and may need to purchase equipment for your home office.

If you are denied Social Security work from home options, you will receive a letter explaining the reason for the denial and your options for appealing the decision.


Working from home can provide individuals who receive Social Security benefits with the opportunity to earn additional income and maintain their benefits. To apply for Social Security work from home options, individuals must determine their eligibility and contact their local Social Security office or employer. During the application process, individuals can expect a waiting period and may be required to provide documentation of their disability and ability to work from home. If approved, individuals can expect to receive instructions on how to proceed and what to expect.